Rearview shot of a couple swinging their son as they walk
Personal Banking

Personal Loans

All First Bank Personal Loans include

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Flexible terms
Financial Document
Fixed payments
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Automatic payments
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Local decisions
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Knowledgeable lenders
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Ongoing communication

There are hundreds of reasons you need a loan

First Bank will match your specific and unique borrowing needs to the type of loan that is best for you and your financial situation.
Person calculating the cost of a bill

Personal Banking

Wondering if you should consolidate your debt?

Use our free calculator to plug in your loan amounts, credit card balances, and other debt to determine your options.

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Close-up of person holding mobile phone
Digital Banking

Open a new First Bank account anytime, anywhere.

It's quick, convenient and secure.


Ready to get started?

Tell us about your loan need and we'll be in touch soon.
Start application
Subject to credit approval.