Your checking account is overdrawn when there is not enough money to cover a payment, purchase or check you write. First Bank offers standard overdraft and two optional overdraft services.
Standard Overdraft Services
Standard overdraft services are automatically included with our checking accounts.
- Overdraft items are paid at our discretion based on your account history, deposits you make and transaction amount.
- Checks, other transactions using your checking account number, automatic bill payments, ACH transactions and recurring debit card transactions are covered.
- If you authorized First Bank to pay overdrafts on ATM and everyday debit card transactions, those transaction are also covered.
- $32.75 overdraft item fee per overdraft item per occurrence.
- An Overdraft item fee will not be charged if your current ledger balance (the amount after transaction posts) is equal or less than $10.
Optional Overdraft Services
Bounce Protection - This is an overdraft courtesy that gives you an extra level of protection against unexpected expenses, account reconciliation mistakes and other financial emergencies when you need it.
- Available on First Bank personal checking accounts
- First Bank clients must meet the program’s requirements to participate
- A signed Bounce Protection Agreement is required
- Covers overdrafts up to $300 with a per item fee
- $32.75 Bounce Protection Overdraft Item fee per overdraft per item per occurrence
- Account must be brought to a positive balance within 10 days1
- A Bounce Protection overdraft item fee will not be charged if your current ledger balance (the amount after transaction posts) is equal or less than $10.
Sweep Transfers - You can designate another First Bank checking, savings or loan account to automatically cover any checking balance shortfalls.
- A signed Sweep Transfer Agreement is required2
- Automatic transfers in any increments you choose
- $7.50 Sweep Transfer fee per occurrence
- Partial sweeps performed if there are insufficient funds in the checking, savings or loan account to cover the entire sweep transfer3
- No Sweep Transfer fee for partial sweeps
- No repayment necessary